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Vessel of Divine Wellness

Fulfill Your Potential

Live Authentically

Remove Barriers

Embrace Resilience
Receive your free gift, 5 Steps to a More Authentic You, and end Self-sabotage!

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Live the life you have always dreamed of

Vessel of Divine Wellness offers Counseling and Healing for authenticity seekers and light workers who are ready to step into and fully embrace their personal power. Together, we will remove barriers to success, foster empowerment, embrace radical self-acceptance, and facilitate being fully and safely embodied with an individualized step-by-step plan.

We believe that we are all here by divine appointment. We ALL have a light to shine and a special gift to share with the world. This is only possible when we accept and fully embrace our true selves. NOW is the time for you to accept and share your light with the world. Let us make the world a better place!

Do you often feel “different” and “misunderstood?” You have gifts to share with this world. You are ready to relinquish the chains of the past and who you have been told that you are/should be (because that is NOT your true self). You are ready to move forward on this journey, and you could use a companion to help you navigate your path. If these things resonate with you, then you have come to the right place. new text…

If you have a longing to connect with your spiritual team
and want to learn how to shine no matter the circumstances,
I’d love to work with you.

If you have a longing to connect with your spiritual team and want to learn how to shine no matter the circumstances,
I’d love to work with you.

Are you...

Jamie Lee Meyer, M.Ed., SC-C, CECP

I am Jamie Lee Meyer, founder/owner of Vessel of Divine Wellness. I started Vessel of Divine Wellness because everyone deserves the opportunity to live an authentic life and shine their light into this world while feeling safe and empowered. At Vessel of Divine Wellness, we believe that change and freedom from the past is possible with a little courage, an open mind, a smile, and a compassionate guide to help you along the way.

I am a counselor and a healer. I am a guide for those who are on their path and need a hand to hold.  I love to see people overcome the chains of their past and break free from thoughts and patterns that do not represent their true selves.  I am passionate about helping others see their inherent worth and live an authentic life. I believe that change is possible for those who really want it. I dream to bring life/world change, and bring a greater light into this world.

I have a special place in my heart for clients who:

Explore which divine wellness services are right for you
to start your life-changing journey.

Receive my 5 Steps to A More Authentic You!

And stay connected and be the first to know of my upcoming offers, events, and news.

Individualized growth and healing plans

Does a one size fits all approach work for you? No, us either! At Vessel of Divine Wellness, we specialize in individualized growth and healing plans. Your plan will take into consideration the entirety of who you are with the flexibility to evolve as you do!

Spiritual Counseling and Processing

Are you looking for a safe, compassionate environment where YOU can be YOU? This is the place for you. At Vessel of Divine Wellness, we respect each individual’s spiritual beliefs and all walks of life. Spiritual Counseling helps the entirety of an individual heal by focusing on mind,body, emotion, energy, spirit, and soul.

Shamanic Healing and Journeying

Are you drawn to a more ancient, warm type of healing? Shamanism dates back tens of thousands of years. Anthropologists view Shamanic healing as humankind’s first spiritual practice. Journeying is used to cross into non-ordinary reality to gain wisdom, support, and healing for you. This could include answers to questions that you have, power animal retrieval, extraction of things that do not belong and are draining your energy field, soul retrieval, and more.

Angelic Reiki and Angelic Healing

Are you someone who is drawn to angels or vibes better with high frequency energy? Angelic Reiki is a safe, multidimensional healing that utilizes high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to bring powerful, yet gentle healing to release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all time and space. Angelic Healing involves energetic cord cutting and removing things that do not belong to you or serve your highest good from your energy field.

Pathway Illumination and Card Readings

Do you feel like a little guidance would be nice? The Pathway Illumination and Card Readings tell you what the next steps are on your journey to reach the desired outcome. Also, the readings may offer a course correction or something that needs to exit your life in order to put you back on track.

Soul Retrieval

Do you feel like a part of you is missing or you have not been the same since a certain event occurred in your life? Soul Retrieval is a form of Shamanic Healing where a piece of the Soul is returned to the body after traumatic, life-changing, or difficult events. Symptoms of soul loss include depression, anxiety, loss of joy, loss of self, and many more.

Body Memory Processing and Release

Have you done the mental and emotional work to process and release an event, but it still “pops up” from time to time? This is because memories, emotions, and events are stored in our body. One reason that this happens is because at the time of the event, we are not in a place to process it so our body stores it for a later time when it feels safe. Stored body memories can present as chronic pain, muscle tension, stomach discomfort, excess body fat, and many more.

Business Consultation and Troubleshooting

Are you having trouble taking your business to the next level? Do you find yourself running into the same issues over and over again? Then Business Consultation and Troubleshooting is the session for you! Uncover what is holding you and your business back. Discover small changes that create a domino effect for your business to prosper.

Officiate Weddings, perform ceremonies, and Celebration of Life

Do you have a special occasion coming up in your life? Is it important to you to have this occasion infused with positivity and spiritual blessings? I officiate ALL weddings and ceremonies where true love is involved. I am here to support the LGBTQ+ community in making your special day that and so much more. I believe in Celebrations of Life instead of the traditional funerals. If this resonates with you, sign-up for a free 30 minute consultation to see if we would be a good fit for one another.